The reptilian people book

To others he is a dubious figure deserving of scorn and ridicule. Today, the ancestors of the hopi tribes are referred to as their snake brothers or elder brothers and their reverence towards their reptilian ancestors is. Their legend of genesis also recounts how reptilians or snake people played an important part in their ancestry. The reptilian connection by david icke if you are new to my work, the most bizarre information you will find on this site is that concerning the reptilian connection. Government as 12 million americans know, the united states government is run by lizard people or, to be scientifically accurate, reptilians. If enough people learn to coexist with each other peacefully and extricate themselves from reptilian structures some of which were created thousands of years ago such as state religions and national identities, this everstrengthening awareness may cause a huge change in humanity and archons would no longer succeed in making humans generate. In his book ufos, conspiracy theories and the new age, david g. Everywhere where reptilians manage to conquer a human people, the consequences are incalcubale. Reptilians have actually cropped up in science fiction throughout the years time and again. The book is essentially a history book on reptilians, star wars, religion, the world wars, ufos and modern day man made ufos. Not all reptilians have bad intentions, either, so dont jump to conclusions just yet. Reptilians and adrenochrome theories of the third kind. Not only have the reptilians infiltrated banking, government, and the worlds royalty, but they are also some wellknown and beloved entertainers like bob hope, brad pitt, and angelina jolie.

As well as several pieces of information was a transcript of an apparent interview with a reptilian entity named, as the files suggest, lacerta. A series of books involving reptilianalien protagonists science. In macleans triune brain model, the basal ganglia are referred to as the reptilian or primal brain, as this structure is in control of our innate and automatic selfpreserving behavior patterns, which ensure our survival and that of our species. A prominent researcher specifically in the field of reptilian encounters is john rhodes who promotes the terrestrial reptoid hypothesis. Reptilians are supposedly shapeshifting aliens that look like reptiles and are said to have enormous power on earth. The human being does need to believe in something especially if its related to life after death or a continuation of their life. He is the author of over 200 books and has lectured in over 250 countries. What its like to believe youre controlled by reptilians. Reptilians live in long underground tunnels and can inhabit other dimensions. The world is controlled by a group of elite reptiles the.

This is the theory of the reptilian racealso sometimes known as lizard people, draconians, saurians, or reptoids. But the reptilian conspiracy had its start in 1998 when a british conspiracy theorist and former sports reporter by the name of david icke published a book called the biggest secret. The pervasive presence of the serpent in human history, religion and alien mythos. Hd video killed the bizarre lizard people conspiracy theory. For behold, the lord god of hosts is taking away from jerusalem and from judah support and supply, all support of bread, and all support of water. According to icke, his research showed that millennia ago a race of reptilian aliens called the the anunnaki visited earth and began to opress us and mate with us, spreading out their bloodlines and working their way into. David icke is a wellknown political commentator and proponent of the theory that human civilization descended from reptilians in the constellation draco. Modern reptilians are upright standing and do not have a back hump, and those. There is an extraordinarily rich history regarding reptilian appearing alien beings dating back to the oldest known creation stories involving the anunnaki. As far back as the days of atlantis, in the ancient writings of the emerald tablets of thoth the atlantean, it is clear that beings from someplace other than earth invaded this planet and began to take over positions of leadership. Icke believes that these were actually reptilians, who interbred with the daughters of humans and then their offspring became the hybrid human reptilians.

I expected the book to be prominently about the neo world order and its connection with the reptilians but it wasnt. Even sexually, because reptilians are creatures with a large focus on sex. So basically the theory goes, icke says that these extradimensional beings that the globalists worship stem from the constellations orion, sirius, and draco. It is clear from the texts and the illustrations left by the sumerians that at least some of these gods, including enki also known as ea, were reptilian in appearance. Last november, the political fate of america was once again put to a vote. This theory first become popular in 1998 after a man named david icke published his book called the biggest secret and remains popular today. A sizeable number of americans, 12 million or not, believe that reptilian beings control the government.

Google for a phonebook of ukraine and call people and businesses and tell them all politicians are reptilians. The oriental jews of israel, also have a high percent rh negative, although most other oriental people have only about 1% rh negative. The pervasive presence of the serpent in human history, religion and alien mythos roberts, scott alan, coppens, philip on. See more ideas about reptilian people, illuminati and ancient aliens. Aside from people s paranoia, lizard people are thought to primarily come from the constellation draco, though there are some theories that reptoids come. Grade 9 upben manders mother cant or wont take medication to control her mental illness, and his father has left home and will no longer help. Icke believes that this is a draco and his reptoids. To some david icke is a charismatic rebel fighting against the unseen powers which rule the world. The books of the series are empire, confederation and final battle. When you think of famous celebrities, politicians, and leaders of the world its hard to believe that they are normal human beings like us. It seems like something that would be in a sciencefiction movie, but in reality many people actually believe this wild conspiracy theory. It is quite something to absorb from our conditioned version of reality. Needless to say, with so many possible reptilian people among us, it makes it hard to trust anyone. The reptilian conspiracy the books of david icke kindle edition.

The anunnaki were ancient deities of sumerian, assyrian, akkadian and babylonian culture. As 12 million americans know, the united states government is run by lizard people or, to be scientifically accurate, reptilians. About 30% have rr rh negative and about 60% carry one r negative gene. They believe he, along with many other prominent people, is a reptilian being.

How an alien race is using our libidos to conquer our world english edition ebook. Reptilians and the royal bloodline david icke youtube. David icke explains his infamous theory why queen is a. The secret history of the reptilians by scott alan roberts. This sounds very much like the in her name series by michael hicks. The book will tell about my reptilian encounters, a subject that very few women are prepared to go public with or speak openly about. Since they are artificial beings, attempting to overthrow them with weapons also wont work. Along with the book information about this theory is also widely. It is enki who gave the first people the fruit of the tree of knowledge and who later saved humanity by warning a noahlike figure of the great flood.

There are several million people who believe in reptilian theory within the uk and there are over 12 million people in the usa who carry this belief not to mention the rest of the world. All of the components of this complicated system are contained in ickes books and lectures, with much of his direct linking between lizard people and important political figures in the biggest secret 1999. While his last book the rise and fall of the nephilim was excellent, i think the secret history of the reptilians is better. You could even be a reptilian and not even know it. David icke explains his infamous theory why queen is a shapeshifting reptile conspiracy theory king david icke has spoken at length about why. A new book explains why were hardwired to believe in conspiracy theories. Most people who encounter draconian reptilians are encountering some of the modern ones. The reptilian plan to divide and conquer the human race len kasten isbn. The primal brain is also in charge of, what are often referred to as. Roberts is not an author that you read, he is an author that you reread. His beliefs are constantly evolving in popularity, and he. Rather than reading an actual book, it was a short list of books and non detailed summaries of the written material.

Reptilians are supposed to have superhuman strength so trying to fight them headon would be a bad idea. Blooddrinking, flesheating, shapeshifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their coldblooded little heads. Today icke leads a similar schedule, having just completed his 8 hour arena world tour which was sold out in multiple countries. They are also known as reptoids, reptiloids, saurians or draconians. The idea of reptilians was popularised by david icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shapeshifting reptilian aliens control earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to. Some reptilians are part human and can thus become selfaware. The old draconian race is easily distinguished by it having an arched body posture with a big back hump and duck feet, some dragon turtles have many pairs of blunt head buttons. How archons reptilians feed on your energy simona rich.

In the decade that followed icke pumped out book after book, traveling the world giving long lectures on the nature of reality, testing people s truths in regards to who is really running our world 4. Icke claims he saw former british prime minister ted heaths eyes turn black while the two waited for a sky news interview in 1989. Nonetheless, most people use the term reptilians or lizard people when describing them. He is the author of over 20 books and has lectured in over. The enslavement of humanity by reptilians is not a joke. The conspiracy theorist and new age philosopher, who wore only turquoise for a time and insisted on being called son of godhead, says these annunaki the reptiles have controlled humankind since ancient times. The reptilians have constituted the group of the illuminati, beings of human aspect but under the orders of the reptilians who follow very specific political agendas to perpetuate themselves in power and control the world through media manipulation, genetics and the search for a government centralized world. How to spot the reptilians running the us government the atlantic. David vaughan icke is an english conspiracy theorist, and former footballer and sports broadcaster. Reptilians also called reptoids, lizard people, reptiloids, saurians, draconians are purported reptilian humanoids that play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, ufology, and conspiracy theories.

Reptilians are said to be reptilian humanoids or lizard people. Finally, in the book of revelations, satan is described as a serpent and a dragon, and he is cast down to earth with his angels. An apparent interview with a reptilian alien entered the public domain in the early 2000s via the release of several mysterious documents named the larcerta files by a swedish researcher by the name of ole k. Much of the theorys popularity comes from ickes interpretations of gnostic texts such as the nag hammadi, as well as biblical apocrypha like the dead sea scrolls. Obey and bow down to your alien reptilian overlords. Of course this all sounds like a crazy theory, but there are over 12 million americans who believe in the reptilian elite and its made many people wonder about if it could possibly be true. Psychologists are trying to determine why otherwise rational individuals can make the leap from prudent paranoia to illogical conspiracy. The reptilians humanitys historical link to the serpent. The secret history of the reptilians is seven chapters spread over 220ish pages. Thousands of years ago, the reptilian beings intervened on planet earth and began interbreeding with humans. The average among most people is only 157% rh negative, while some groups have very little. Reptilians are a study in xenology based on mythologies, symbols and ancestral memories of reptilian beings evident in ancient religious rituals, as well as actual encounters similar or related to ufo phenomena. Bush, henry kissinger, bill and hillary clinton and bob hope.

If you want to keep something from the people, give. But for millions of americans who believe in lizard people, this vote. Various science fiction writers and other conspiracy theorists have since continued the idea of reptilelike humanoids attempting to enslave the world. He says he believes these texts contain evidence that certain higher vibrational beings of frequency, known as archons, appear on earth as humans, masking their true reptilian form. It is enki who gave the first people the fruit of the tree of knowledge and who later saved humanity by.

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